Vehicle Performance Analysis

Sea-Shore Transaction Analysis (Landing-Beaching)

MILPOD’s sea-shore transition analysis is essential for the seamless operation of customer-owned amphibious land vehicles during critical landing and beaching maneuvers. Our specialized analysis delivers valuable insights into the interaction between water and the vehicle body, as well as the effectiveness of the propulsion system in varied coastal conditions.

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Hydrostatics and Stability Analysis

At MILPOD, our services in hydrostatics and stability analysis are tailored to ensure that everycustomer-owned amphibious vehicle achieves the highest level of integrity and safety. Wemeticulously calculate characteristic parameters that are crucial for assessing the vehicle’sstability post-modification.

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Crash Stop Analysis

MILPOD is committed to mastering crash stop maneuvers, a vital component in the navigation and tactical operations of customer-owned amphibious land vehicles. Our analysis is specially tailored to address both emergency situations and tactical requirements with precision and reliability.

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Self-righting Analysis

At MILPOD, we specialize in ensuring that customer-owned amphibious land vehicles possess robust self-righting capabilities. Our analysis is essential for evaluating recovery time and dynamic positional changes, ensuring vehicles are optimally prepared for critical operations.

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Turning Circle

At MILPOD, we’re not just about creating water jets; we’re experts in transforming your land vehicles into state-of-the-art amphibious machines. A crucial aspect of this transformation is mastering the Turning Circle, a fundamental maneuver in vehicle operations. We excel in this through our advanced hydrodynamic analysis and cutting-edge simulation techniques tailored to each vehicle we modify.

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